Increase and Spread - Acts Ch 10 to 14

2014acts-Increaseandspread1200x400.001 On July 27th we start a new series of Bible talks looking at chapters 10 to 14 of Acts.


27 Increase and spread - All that Jesus continued to do

Acts Ch 1:1-11


Increase and spread - Surely not, Lord!

Acts Ch 10:1-23

10 Increase and spread - Everyone who believes…

Acts Ch 10:23-48

17 Increase and spread - The same gift given twice

Acts Ch 11:1-18

24 Increase and spread - A great number believe

Acts Ch 11:19-30

31 Increase and spread - Official opposition

Acts Ch 12:1-25


7 Increase and spread - word of power

Acts Ch 13:1-12

14 Increase and spread - a helicopter ride!

Acts Ch 13:13-43

21 Increase and spread - consider yourselves worthy?

Acts Ch 13:44 to 14:7

28 Increase and spread - flood gates opened

Acts Ch 14:8-28