Experts' Evidence for Jesus' Trial - Tyndale House Bible, TeachingAdmin12 February 2014Bible, evidence, Old, textComment
One Corinthians Bible, Church, TeachingAdmin4 January 2014Church, corinth, corinthians, Jesus Comments
His one and only son Bible, Church, Kids, Mission, TeachingAdmin12 November 2013Bible, children, Jakarta, JesusComment
How is the Bible all about Jesus? Bible, Church, TeachingAdmin29 August 2013Jesus, Old Testament, TeachingComment
A 1-Sentence Summary of Each of Screwtape’s Letters Church, TeachingAdmin15 August 2013C S Lewis, TeachingComment
Aren't all religions basically the same? Mission, News, TeachingGuest User2 August 2013Jesus, Keller, ReligionComment