The book of Lamentations 2022

Lamentations describes the results of Babylon’s destruction of Jerusalem in 587 b.c. in vivid (though stylized) detail. As we look at it together on Sunday mornings we will grapple with what lessons it has for us today. Why not join us to explore it together.


6 Finding Hope in the Darkness - The tragedy behind the lament

Lamentations 1:1-6

13 Finding Hope in the Darkness - It’s right to be angry about some things

Lamentations 1:18-22

20 Finding Hope in the Darkness - It’s important to listen to the truth

Lamentations 2:13-22

27 Finding Hope in the Darkness - The heart behind the discipline

Lamentations 4:1-9


6 Finding Hope in the Darkness - God’s faithfulness and mercy

Lamentations 3:18-36